Audubon North Carolina

Baltimore Oriole. Photo: Linda Scher/Audubon Photography Awards

Audubon North Carolina is a regional office of the National Audubon Society.

From the Blue Ridge Mountains to the Outer Banks, Audubon protects birds and the places they need across North Carolina using science, advocacy, education, and on-the-ground conservation.

Top Stories

After Hurricane Helene, Mountain Chapters Work for Normalcy and Recovery

After Hurricane Helene, Mountain Chapters Work for Normalcy and Recovery

“It’s been heart breaking and heartwarming at the same time.”

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Fast-Growing County Passes Bird-Friendly Development Policies, Thanks to Audubon Chapter
Urban Forestry

Fast-Growing County Passes Bird-Friendly Development Policies, Thanks to Audubon Chapter

New Hope Bird Alliance helped pass bird-friendly land-use policies that will help guide Chatham County development.

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$3M National Grant will Fund Audubon’s Marsh Restoration in Currituck Sound

$3M National Grant will Fund Audubon’s Marsh Restoration in Currituck Sound

Pilot projects will test innovative, nature-based restoration techniques at Audubon’s Pine Island Sanctuary.

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News & Updates

How Well Do We Really Know Cardinals?
Birds And Science

How Well Do We Really Know Cardinals?

New research provides support for splitting the Northern Cardinal into multiple species.

Lame-duck Session 2018 a Good One for Birds

2018 Lame-duck Session Ends

— The North Carolina legislature's special session was a good one for birds.
Audubon’s 119th Annual Christmas Bird Count Begins Dec. 14
Community Science

New: Audubon Christmas Bird Count Starts Dec. 14

— Join thousands of participants who will be part of the world’s longest-running wildlife census, which contributes invaluable data to bird population research.
Join the 119th Audubon Christmas Bird Count
Bird-Friendly Communities

Join the 119th Audubon Christmas Bird Count

We need volunteers for the longest-running community science project in the world, this Dec. 14 through Jan. 5.

Op-ed: "Let wind ban expire — wind, military, birds can coexist"

Wind, military, birds can co-exist

Read Executive Director Andrew Hutson's op-ed in the Daily Advance here.

Baseball for the Birds: A New North Carolina Team Rallies Around an Endangered Species
Working Lands

Baseball for the Birds: A New North Carolina Team Rallies Around an Endangered Species

Inspired by the Red-cockaded Woodpecker's resilience, the Houston Astros affiliate has chosen the bird to be its official mascot.

Audubon North Carolina: “Gov. Cooper’s climate plan is a bold next step for clean energy in North Carolina.”
Media Releases

Gov. Cooper's Bold Clean Energy Goals

— Governor Roy Cooper issues Executive Order on Climate Action, continuing state leadership on clean energy.
Building Better Communities for Birds
Bird-Friendly Communities

Building Better Communities for Birds

The Bird-Friendly Communities program was intended to create projects in the places that people live to ensure that birds are always among us.

700 Bird-Friendly Native Plants for North Carolina
Bird-Friendly Native Plants

700 Bird-Friendly Native Plants for North Carolina

Search every North Carolina species that appears in Dr. Larry Mellichamp’s “Native Plants of the Southeast" and all North Carolina Botanical Garden “Wildflower of the Year” plants.

Priority Bird Profile: Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Working Lands

Priority Bird Profile: Rose-breasted Grosbeak

The Rose-breasted Grosbeak is one of about a dozen “priority species” that the National Audubon Society’s Healthy Forest initiative has chosen to help through active forest protection and management.