Birds and Science

Photo: Claudio Dias Timm/FlickrCC

Science is what makes Audubon unique. Our methodology is leading the way in researching sound solutions for bird conservation. In this section, learn how Audubon NC is working to conserve birds and the habitats they call home.

American Oystercatcher

Latin:  Haematopus palliatus

Illustration for American Oystercatcher

Golden-winged Warbler

Latin:  Vermivora chrysoptera

Illustration for Golden-winged Warbler

Wood Thrush

Latin:  Hylocichla mustelina

Illustration for Wood Thrush

Least Tern

Latin:  Sternula antillarum

Illustration for Least Tern


NC Bill Would Give Protections to Family Farms
Media Releases

NC Bill Would Give Protections to Family Farms

Senate Bill 317 would help family landowners maintain control of their land and access conservation programs.

State Proposes Access Pass for Game Lands

State Proposes Access Pass for Game Lands

Audubon encourages members, public to weigh.

Get to Know our National Bird

Get to Know our National Bird

The Bald Eagle was officially declared the U.S. National Bird on Christmas Eve, here’s what you may not know about America’s favorite bird as their breeding season kicks off.

Long-time Staffer and Conservation Leader Named Executive Director
Media Releases

Long-time Staffer and Conservation Leader Named Executive Director

Interim no more, Curtis Smalling takes the reins as executive director of Audubon North Carolina.

Famous NC Tree Hosts “Incredibly Unique” Swift Roost

Famous NC Tree Hosts “Incredibly Unique” Swift Roost

Chimney Swifts adapted to humans long ago. The discovery of a natural roost site on a college campus underscores all the ways we’re pushing swifts to the limit again.

State Proposal Highlights Threats Facing Three NC Bird Species

State Proposal Highlights Threats Facing Three NC Bird Species

Black Skimmers, Rusty Blackbirds, Swallow-tailed Kites proposed for threatened and special concern list.

Birders, We Need Your Help to Finish the NC Bird Atlas

Birders, We Need Your Help to Finish the NC Bird Atlas

We’re entering the final TWO breeding seasons for this important state-wide project.

Seabird that Depends on NC’s Offshore Waters Gains Federal Protections

Seabird that Depends on NC’s Offshore Waters Gains Federal Protections

Endangered species protections will help Black-capped Petrel as offshore wind energy ramps up.

Executive Order to Restore and Protect NC’s Natural and Working Lands

Executive Order to Restore and Protect NC’s Natural and Working Lands

Executive order to conserve and restore 2 million acres of forests and wetlands in North Carolina and plant 1 million new trees in urban areas by 2040.

Trail Cameras Show Perils Facing Oystercatcher Families on the Cape Fear River

Trail Cameras Show Perils Facing Oystercatcher Families on the Cape Fear River

Less than a quarter of oystercatcher parents were able to successfully raise chicks on the river last summer. Trail camera footage reveals some of the reasons why.

How you can help, right now