
Conserving North Carolina's Coasts

Photo: Lindsay Addison

The Audubon North Carolina Coast Islands and Sanctuaries Program manages and protects 40% of North Carolina's nesting coastal waterbirds and contributes to science that protects both breeding and non-breeding birds in the state year-round. This long-term commitment to these sites, and the partnerships with agencies and other organizations that are created and sustained by that work, are the foundation of our leadership role in coastal bird conservation in North Carolina.

The sanctuary program’s ongoing mission is to manage, monitor, and protect our sites using best practices and support partners in doing the same; provide meaningful data to agencies and policymakers; and lead and support research that generates new knowledge about coastal birds and the habitats they depend on. This work connects all of our other coast-related work: policy, planning, and advocacy for the sites and resources coastal birds need to face an uncertain climate future, and education and outreach that engages Audubon’s network and inspires individuals to support coastal conservation.

Sharing Our Ocean & Shores

Sharing Our Ocean & Shores

Protecting coastal habitats for generations to come.

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Coast Islands and Sanctuary Program

Coast Islands and Sanctuary Program

For more than 25 years, Audubon’s Coastal Island Sanctuary Program has been a model for conservation along the Atlantic Flyway.

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Coastal Birds: Your Top Questions, Answered

Coastal Birds: Your Top Questions, Answered

We hope these FAQs on coastal birds will help you find the birds you most wish to see, better support birds during nesting and migration season, and more!

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Birds You Can Help Right Now

American Oystercatcher

Latin:  Haematopus palliatus

Illustration for American Oystercatcher

Least Tern

Latin:  Sternula antillarum

Illustration for Least Tern

Brown Pelican

Latin:  Pelecanus occidentalis

Illustration for Brown Pelican

Piping Plover

Latin:  Charadrius melodus

Illustration for Piping Plover

Great Egret

Latin:  Ardea alba

Illustration for Great Egret

Laughing Gull

Latin:  Leucophaeus atricilla

Illustration for Laughing Gull

Snowy Egret

Latin:  Egretta thula

Illustration for Snowy Egret

Black Skimmer

Latin:  Rynchops niger

Illustration for Black Skimmer

Latest Coast Posts

Meet the 2020 Pine Island Interns
Donal O'Brien Jr.  Sanctuary And Audubon Center

Meet the 2020 Pine Island Interns

Audubon interns work remotely to protect birds and grow coastal resilience program.

Coastal Nesting Update: Black Skimmer Banding Takes Off

Coastal Nesting Update: Black Skimmer Banding Takes Off

Pelicans, egrets, terns fledging chicks as summer heats up.

#ShareTheShore Digital Toolkit

#ShareTheShore Digital Toolkit

It's more than just a hashtag. Help get the word out to protect vulnerable birds.

Share the Shores: Distancing is for the Birds, Too

Share the Shores: Distancing is for the Birds, Too

If you go out, respect posted nesting areas that protect beach birds.

Grant to Bolster Audubon’s Resilience Work on Currituck Sound

Grant to Bolster Audubon’s Resilience Work on Currituck Sound

— New funding adds to state and federal grants for marsh restoration and protection.
Coastal Nesting Season Recap for 2019
Coastal Islands Sanctuary Program

Coastal Nesting Season Recap for 2019

Hurricane shapes nesting season in Cape Fear region, for better and worse.

Four Legislative Wins for the Birds in 2019

Four Legislative Wins for the Birds in 2019

From native plants to energy policy, you helped make these 2019 victories possible in Raleigh.

Audubon Receives State, Federal Grants to Enhance Resiliency on Currituck Sound

Audubon Receives State, Federal Grants to Enhance Resiliency on Currituck Sound

— New funding will support long-term resilience planning for coastal birds and communities.
Weathering Hurricane Dorian

Weathering Hurricane Dorian

While the storm was tragic for many on the North Carolina coast, our staff and bird habitat made it through unharmed.

Why You Shouldn't Feed Pelicans

Why You Shouldn't Feed Pelicans

They may look hungry, but tossing food scraps to Brown Pelicans does more harm than good.

How you can help, right now