Bird-Friendly Communities

Photo: Northern Mockingbird. Photo: Don Swamback/Audubon Photography Awards

Where birds thrive, people prosper.

From urban centers to rural towns, each community can provide important habitat for native birds. In turn, birds offer us a richer, more beautiful, and healthful place to live. Learn more about our Bird-Friendly Communties.

This regional initiative is part of the National Audubon Society's Bird-Friendly Communities strategy.

Birds You Can Help Right Now

Brown-headed Nuthatch

Latin:  Sitta pusilla

Illustration for Brown-headed Nuthatch

Wood Thrush

Latin:  Hylocichla mustelina

Illustration for Wood Thrush

Chimney Swift

Latin:  Chaetura pelagica

Illustration for Chimney Swift

Prothonotary Warbler

Latin:  Protonotaria citrea

Illustration for Prothonotary Warbler

Bird-Friendly Community Posts

Two years later: The First Lady's Bird-and-Butterfly Garden is Blossoming
Bird-Friendly Communities

Two years later: The First Lady's Bird-and-Butterfly Garden is Blossoming

We checked in with the Executive Mansion garden after Audubon helped plant native vegetation in 2017.

North Carolina Greens its Roadways, Thanks to a Bird-friendly, Bipartisan Law
Bird-Friendly Communities

North Carolina Greens its Roadways, Thanks to a Bird-friendly, Bipartisan Law

Audubon advocates rally to help pass native plants bill.

Pastor Brings Charlotte Neighborhood Together for the Birds
Bird-Friendly Communities

Pastor Brings Charlotte Neighborhood Together for the Birds

Darryl Gaston didn't see anyone who looked like him at a local Audubon chapter meeting, so he partnered with the chapter to take action.

Planting a Mountain Oasis for Birds
Bird-Friendly Communities

Planting a Mountain Oasis for Birds

Outside of Boone, High Country Audubon is reviving the hillsides and riverbanks of a park with native plants.

8 Fast and Furious Spring Bird Arrivals to Watch for in April
Bird-Friendly Communities

8 Fast and Furious Spring Bird Arrivals to Watch for in April

The start of April means scores of spring birds are en route to North Carolina. Read on for eight arrivals to watch for this month.

7 Early Birds to Kick Off Spring Migration
Bird-Friendly Communities

7 Early Birds for Spring

Ready for some spring birds to return? Read on for seven birds to seek this month in North Carolina.

Join the 119th Audubon Christmas Bird Count
Bird-Friendly Communities

Join the 119th Audubon Christmas Bird Count

We need volunteers for the longest-running community science project in the world, this Dec. 14 through Jan. 5.

Building Better Communities for Birds
Bird-Friendly Communities

Building Better Communities for Birds

The Bird-Friendly Communities program was intended to create projects in the places that people live to ensure that birds are always among us.

700 Bird-Friendly Native Plants for North Carolina
Bird-Friendly Native Plants

700 Bird-Friendly Native Plants for North Carolina

Search every North Carolina species that appears in Dr. Larry Mellichamp’s “Native Plants of the Southeast" and all North Carolina Botanical Garden “Wildflower of the Year” plants.

A Native Plants Garden That Brings Birds, Pollinators, and Parishioners Together
Bird-Friendly Communities

A Native Plants Garden That Brings Birds, Pollinators, and Parishioners Together

The partnership between Elisha Mitchell Audubon Society and St. Eugene Catholic Church in Asheville, North Carolina, is just one example of the chapter's work in the community.

How you can help, right now