Bird-Friendly Communities

Photo: Northern Mockingbird. Photo: Don Swamback/Audubon Photography Awards

Where birds thrive, people prosper.

From urban centers to rural towns, each community can provide important habitat for native birds. In turn, birds offer us a richer, more beautiful, and healthful place to live. Learn more about our Bird-Friendly Communties.

This regional initiative is part of the National Audubon Society's Bird-Friendly Communities strategy.

Birds You Can Help Right Now

Brown-headed Nuthatch

Latin:  Sitta pusilla

Illustration for Brown-headed Nuthatch

Wood Thrush

Latin:  Hylocichla mustelina

Illustration for Wood Thrush

Chimney Swift

Latin:  Chaetura pelagica

Illustration for Chimney Swift

Prothonotary Warbler

Latin:  Protonotaria citrea

Illustration for Prothonotary Warbler

Bird-Friendly Community Posts

Wake Audubon Helps Raleigh Go Dark for the Birds
Bird-Friendly Communities

Wake Audubon Helps Raleigh Go Dark for the Birds

The city has agreed to turn off lights at night to protect migrating birds.

With Migration Underway, Charlotte Skyscraper Turns off Lights for Birds
Media Releases

With Fall Migration Underway, Charlotte Skyscraper Turns off Lights for Birds

— Duke Energy Center to go dark for the birds.
Durham Plant List Gets Bird-friendly Makeover
Bird-Friendly Communities

Durham Plant List Gets Bird-friendly Makeover

New Hope Audubon recommends taking 72 invasive plants off the table for Durham development.

Celebrate Native Plants Week with Audubon
Bird-Friendly Communities

Celebrate Native Plants Week with Audubon

Governor sets aside Oct. 19-25 to highlight importance of native plants in North Carolina.

October Birds: 8 Fall Migrants and Winter Arrivals
Joy Of Birds

October Birds: 8 Fall Migrants and Winter Arrivals

Leaves are changing, and so are the birds in your backyard and local parks.

Counting Birds with the First Lady
Community Science

Counting Birds with the First Lady

Bird watchers across the state and the globe tallied birds for science over Valentine's Day weekend.

Show Birds Some Love: Join the Great Backyard Bird Count
Bird-Friendly Communities

Show Birds Some Love: Join the Great Backyard Bird Count

— At the Executive Mansion in Raleigh and across the globe, people are helping birds by counting them for science.
Flocking Together to Restore a Creek for the Birds
Bird-Friendly Communities

Flocking Together to Restore a Creek for the Birds

New Hope Audubon partnered with the community to breathe new life into a Chapel Hill trail.

Four Legislative Wins for the Birds in 2019

Four Legislative Wins for the Birds in 2019

From native plants to energy policy, you helped make these 2019 victories possible in Raleigh.

North Carolina Celebrates Native Plants

North Carolina Celebrates Native Plants

Gov. Roy Cooper has set aside Oct. 21-27 as Native Plants Week; celebrate by growing more in your yard.

How you can help, right now