Forestry in Action

Photo: Aimee Tomcho

Audubon leads workshops for volunteers, landowners and land managers to share knowledge of the best bird conservation measures. This page serves as a hub of information for folks who have attended or wish to attend one of our training seminars.

Learn more about our forestry workshops or contact Field Biologist Aimee Tomcho for information about future trainings.

Forestry for the Birds
Forestry Trainings

Upcoming Events: Forestry for the Birds

Foresters, landowners, natural resources professionals and more are invited to attend our bird-friendly forestry trainings!

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Private Lands Protection
Landowners Protection - Working Lands

Private Lands Protection

Habitat on private lands plays a critical role in bird conservation in the southeastern U.S.

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Research in North Carolina
Research – Working Lands

Research in North Carolina

Audubon NC is involved in regional and international research in the quest to better understand bird ecology.

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Golden-winged Warbler Conservation
GWWA Conservation - Working Lands

Golden-winged Warbler Conservation

Golden-winged Warbler populations are on the decline in the United States. Learn how Audubon North Carolina is impacting that decline.

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Forest Landbird Legacy Program
Forest Landbird Legacy Program

Forest Landbird Legacy Program

The Forest Legacy Landbird Program (FLLP) guides and supports land management and habitat restoration to benefit forest birds.

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Take Action for Working Lands
Take Action

Take Action for Working Lands

We need you! Community scientists share our passions, extend our reach and work to ensure a bright future for the birds we love.

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News & Updates

Audubon Signs Designate Specialized Habitat
Working Lands

Audubon Signs Designate Specialized Habitat

Audubon North Carolina is engaging private landowners in focal areas in the western region to manage their land for the Golden-winged Warblers, providing signs to designate the specialized habitats.

More Volunteers Trained to Protect Warblers
Working Lands

More Volunteers Trained to Protect Warblers

A new team of Audubon volunteers met at the Highlands Biological Station and in Macon and Jackson County to learn about Golden-winged Warbler conservation techniques.

Audubon Signs Signify Specialized Habitat for Warblers
Working Lands

Audubon Signs Signify Specialized Habitat for Warblers

Audubon Signs Given to Private Landowners Signify Specialized Habitat for Golden-winged Warblers.

Geolocators Flying North and South
Working Lands

Geolocators Flying North and South

Geolocator data will inform our work in Western North Carolina that protects the habitats Golden-winged Warblers need for their survival. Learn more!

Advocating for Golden-winged Warbler Protections
Working Lands

Advocating for Golden-winged Warbler Protections

There’s so much you can do to contribute to the conservation of a priority species like the Golden-winged Warbler.

Understanding the Endangered Species List
Working Lands

Understanding the Endangered Species List

Audubon’s Efforts Protect the Golden-winged Warbler From Further Decline.

Volunteers at Work for Golden-wing Protection with Patrick Farrell
Working Lands

Volunteers at Work for Golden-wing Protection with Patrick Farrell

Meet Patrick Farrell, Audubon North Carolina partner and NC Wildlife Resources Commission professional biologist assisting Audubon landowners in habitat restoration efforts to benefit the imperiled Golden-winged Warbler.

Volunteers at Work for Golden-wing Protection with Russ Oates
Working Lands

Volunteers at Work for Golden-wing Protection with Russ Oates

Russ is an active volunteer in Audubon North Carolina’s Working Lands program. By participating in our volunteer training program in the mountains, he learned how to survey for and identify Golden-winged Warbler habitat to help ongoing restoration efforts for the priority species.

Volunteers at Work for Golden-wing Protection with Bob Repoley
Working Lands

Volunteers at Work for Golden-wing Protection with Bob Repoley

Our volunteers help lay the groundwork for Audubon NC to identify and engage private landowners in habitat restoration for priority species including the Golden-winged Warbler.

Help Unlock New Secrets – Become a Citizen Scientist
Working Lands

Help Unlock New Secrets – Become a Citizen Scientist

Citizen science data helps unlock new secrets every day about the birds we love making conservation success stories possible.

How you can help, right now