DURHAM, NC (November 11, 2020) – Statement from Andrew Hutson, executive director at Audubon North Carolina and vice president at National Audubon Society:
“Audubon has a century-long history of working across the aisle and across the state on durable conservation solutions. With most of North Carolina’s 2020 races in the books, we look forward to working with newly elected leaders on bold, equitable, and lasting solutions to the threats facing birds and our communities, from habitat loss to changes in our climate. Addressing these issues will ensure a better future for all of us. But it will also require all of us working together, across political, racial, age, and geographic lines.
“During a time of political polarization, Audubon’s diverse flock of advocates is uniquely suited to rise to the challenge and help lead this movement. Our membership is evenly split: half are progressives, and half are conservative or moderates. Despite our differences, we’re united by our shared love of birds and our desire to be good stewards of the natural world through big, bipartisan policy solutions.
“As elected officials take office, Audubon expects them to make decisions based in science that lower pollution, protect the places birds need, and advance bedrock bird protections. Audubon and our advocates stand ready to do our part: To advocate for birds, for a cleaner energy economy, and a more resilient and equitable future for all.”
Statement from David Yarnold, president and CEO at National Audubon Society (Click here for full statement).
“We have a long history as community builders, and because we are local everywhere, our membership reflects America. Our membership is 53 percent progressive and 47 percent moderate/conservative, and we have members in nearly every county in the United States.
“In a recent survey of our membership, we found that:
- Nearly every Audubon member (97%) agrees that “every American, regardless of race or color, should have equal access to clean air and clean water.” That belief is shared by 98% of progressive Audubon members and 96% of moderates and conservatives—a deeply held value across political lines.
- More than 95% of all Audubon members—including 9 in 10 moderate and conservative members—report concern about the following issues:
- Destruction of habitat for birds and other wildlife;
- Air and water pollution;
- Attacks on bedrock environmental laws;
- Oil drilling and mining on protected public lands.
- 75% of all Audubon members, including a majority of moderate and conservative members, rank climate change as one of their top three concerns among all issues facing America today—and 82% of Audubon members (including 61% of moderates and conservatives) are personally “very concerned” about growing impacts of climate change.
“Our membership demonstrates strong support across the political spectrum for action on environmental, climate, and community priorities.
“We need durable solutions with support across political lines—and our members are ready to raise their voices. Environmental concerns are no place for partisan divisions.”
About National Audubon Society
The National Audubon Society protects birds and the places they need, today and tomorrow. A nonprofit conservation organization since 1905, Audubon works throughout the Americas using science, advocacy, education, and on-the-ground conservation. Learn more at www.audubon.org and on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram @audubonsociety.
About Audubon North Carolina
Audubon North Carolina, a state program of the National Audubon Society, has offices in Durham, Boone, Corolla, and Wilmington. Learn more at www.nc.audubon.org and on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.
Media contact: Ben Graham, ben.graham@audubon.org, 919-880-3793