Forestry in Action

Photo: Aimee Tomcho

Audubon leads workshops for volunteers, landowners and land managers to share knowledge of the best bird conservation measures. This page serves as a hub of information for folks who have attended or wish to attend one of our training seminars.

Learn more about our forestry workshops or contact Field Biologist Aimee Tomcho for information about future trainings.

Forestry for the Birds
Forestry Trainings

Upcoming Events: Forestry for the Birds

Foresters, landowners, natural resources professionals and more are invited to attend our bird-friendly forestry trainings!

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Private Lands Protection
Landowners Protection - Working Lands

Private Lands Protection

Habitat on private lands plays a critical role in bird conservation in the southeastern U.S.

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Research in North Carolina
Research – Working Lands

Research in North Carolina

Audubon NC is involved in regional and international research in the quest to better understand bird ecology.

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Golden-winged Warbler Conservation
GWWA Conservation - Working Lands

Golden-winged Warbler Conservation

Golden-winged Warbler populations are on the decline in the United States. Learn how Audubon North Carolina is impacting that decline.

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Forest Landbird Legacy Program
Forest Landbird Legacy Program

Forest Landbird Legacy Program

The Forest Legacy Landbird Program (FLLP) guides and supports land management and habitat restoration to benefit forest birds.

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Take Action for Working Lands
Take Action

Take Action for Working Lands

We need you! Community scientists share our passions, extend our reach and work to ensure a bright future for the birds we love.

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News & Updates

How Bottomland Forests Help Birds and People
Working Lands

How Bottomland Forests Help Birds and People

Audubon and our partners are helping landowners be better stewards of their low-lying hardwood forests, a threatened habitat that supports wildlife and people.

Healthy Forests Mean Healthy Diets for Hungry Songbirds on the Move
Forestry In Action

Healthy Forests Mean Healthy Diets for Hungry Songbirds on the Move

Bird-friendly forestry helps Tennessee Warblers on both sides of their migration journeys.

Bridging the Gender Gap in Forest Stewardship
Working Lands

Bridging the Gender Gap in Forest Stewardship

ForestHer NC has reached 1,000 people across the state, empowering landowners to better manage their land for birds and wildlife.

Restoring Piedmont Forests for Birds
Forest Landbird Legacy Program

Restoring Piedmont Forests for Birds

An Audubon partnership with Three Rivers Land Trust is breathing new life into woodlands, thanks to prescribed fires and bird-friendly forestry practices.

Horses and Flying Logs: Using Old and New Forestry Methods to Improve Bird Habitat
Forestry In Action

Horses and Flying Logs: Using Old and New Forestry Methods to Improve Bird Habitat

Forest Landbird Legacy Program helps Ashe County landowner restore forested property.

Speak Up for Birds on the Nantahala-Pisgah Forest Plan
Forestry In Action

Speak Up for Birds on the Nantahala-Pisgah Forest Plan

Audubon asks Forest Service to ensure plan protects birds and provides win-win forestry solutions.

Longtime Audubon volunteer revives his own property for the birds
Forestry In Action

Longtime Audubon volunteer revives his own property for the birds

Lifelong appreciation of wildlife motivates Russ Oates’ conservation efforts on his Yancey County property and as an Audubon volunteer.

WNC Forest Plan 101: What It Means for Birds
Forestry In Action

WNC Forest Plan 101: What It Means for Birds

Audubon, partners watching closely for release of Nantahala-Pisgah National Forest plan revision.

Nantahala-Pisgah Forest Plan: Managing Habitat for Birds
Forestry In Action

Nantahala-Pisgah Forest Plan: Managing Habitat for Birds

Plan revisions should prioritize ecological restoration practices that benefit birds.

Nantahala-Pisgah Forest Plan: Protecting Land for Birds
Forestry In Action

Nantahala-Pisgah Forest Plan: Protecting Land for Birds

Audubon supports more Wilderness protections in the revised plan, but our highest priority is bird habitat.

How you can help, right now