Audubon North Carolina

Baltimore Oriole. Photo: Linda Scher/Audubon Photography Awards

Audubon North Carolina is a regional office of the National Audubon Society.

From the Blue Ridge Mountains to the Outer Banks, Audubon protects birds and the places they need across North Carolina using science, advocacy, education, and on-the-ground conservation.

Top Stories

After Hurricane Helene, Mountain Chapters Work for Normalcy and Recovery

After Hurricane Helene, Mountain Chapters Work for Normalcy and Recovery

“It’s been heart breaking and heartwarming at the same time.”

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Fast-Growing County Passes Bird-Friendly Development Policies, Thanks to Audubon Chapter
Urban Forestry

Fast-Growing County Passes Bird-Friendly Development Policies, Thanks to Audubon Chapter

New Hope Bird Alliance helped pass bird-friendly land-use policies that will help guide Chatham County development.

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$3M National Grant will Fund Audubon’s Marsh Restoration in Currituck Sound

$3M National Grant will Fund Audubon’s Marsh Restoration in Currituck Sound

Pilot projects will test innovative, nature-based restoration techniques at Audubon’s Pine Island Sanctuary.

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News & Updates

New Hope Audubon’s Guide to a Bird-Friendly Backyard
Bird-Friendly Communities

New Hope Audubon’s Guide to a Bird-Friendly Backyard

Through their Bird-Friendly Habitat Certification Program, New Hope Audubon Society (NHAS) is working to restore native habitats by helping residents in Orange, Durham and Chatham counties take steps to make their property bird-friendlier.

Brightening the Greensboro Bog Garden
Bird-Friendly Communities

Brightening the Greensboro Bog Garden

Members of the T. Gilbert Pearson Audubon Society in Greensboro are removing exotic, invasive plants at the local public “Bog Garden” at Benjamin Park—and replacing them with bird-friendly native species.

North Carolina GBBC Launches with the First Lady
Bird-Friendly Communities

North Carolina GBBC Launches with the First Lady

The Count kicks off on February 16 with a boost from the watchful eyes of students from Exploris Middle School on the first day of the 4-day community science event.

You're Invited: North Carolina's 21st Great Backyard Bird Count
Bird-Friendly Communities

You're Invited: North Carolina's 21st Great Backyard Bird Count

Help gather important information on North Carolina’s bird populations in just 15 minutes!

Where Do Pelicans Go in the Winter?

Where Do Pelicans Go in the Winter?

While 8,000-10,000 adults inhabit the state during the spring and summer nesting months, our population of Brown Pelicans dips as most head south in the fall.

Coastal Birds: Your Top Questions, Answered

Coastal Birds: Your Top Questions, Answered

We hope these FAQs on coastal birds will help you find the birds you most wish to see, better support birds during nesting and migration season, and more!

What Happens to Pelicans When It Freezes?

What Happens to Pelicans When It Freezes?

While most of North Carolina’s Brown Pelicans migrate south, some remain in the state throughout the (typically milder) coastal winter. When temperatures dip below freezing, however, it's important to know how to help birds in need.

Why Bottomland Hardwood Forests Matter to Landbird Migration
Forest Landbird Legacy Program

Why Bottomland Hardwood Forests Matter to Landbird Migration

Audubon’s Forest Landbird Legacy Program’s Eastern Forests initiative is an innovative program that enables landowners and foresters to help support birds that depend on forested landscapes along the Atlantic Flyway.