

Photo: Curtis Smalling

Audubon’s members are four times as likely to be opinion leaders, with interest and involvement in policy issues. Thousands take action as Audubon North Carolina Ambassadors. We mobilize this formidable force through communications outreach and chapter-based grassroots training. It is how we bring the full power of Audubon to bear on behalf of legislation addressing issues such as bird conservation, ecosystem restoration, and clean air and water. As we further align and strengthen our North Carolina network, Audubon will become an even more powerful advocate for birds and the environment. 

Policy Briefs

Expanding Bird-Friendly Renewable Energy

Expanding Bird-Friendly Renewable Energy

Responsibly sited wind, solar and other renewable energy resources can help ensure the protection of our birds by providing cleaner air and water, and lessening the impact of pollution on the places birds need.

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Protecting our Coast

Protecting our Coast

Today, Audubon protects key sites and habitats that coastal birds depend upon and partners with federal, state and local community partners to ensure that birds will always remain a source of wonder and joy for those that cherish our beaches and waterways.

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Protecting Land for Birds and People

Protecting Land for Birds and People

For over 100 years, Audubon and our partners have worked to protect the most important places birds need. Yet new development pressures, changing land uses, and shifting seasons are affecting where our birds can survive and thrive in the future.

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Wind Power

Wind Power

Audubon North Carolina strongly supports properly sited wind power as a renewable energy source that helps reduce the threats posed to birds and people by climate change.

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Protecting Coastal Birds

Coastal Threats

Coastal Threats

Man-made efforts, including hardened structures like terminal groins, inlet modification and beach nourishment projects, upset the natural life cycle and ecosystem of the shore. As a result, birds have difficulty adapting to these unnatural changes and the loss of their natural habitats.  

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Coastal Engineering

Coastal Engineering

Coastal engineering presents a specific and complex threat to coastal bird species and their habitats. These projects eliminate habitat for migrating and wintering birds.

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Leadership on the Coast

Leadership on the Coast

Audubon North Carolina has a long history of protecting the birds of the coastal region and advocating for their habitat. 

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Sanctuary System

Sanctuary System

More than 20 years ago, Audubon's vision for protection of North Carolina's coastal birds was to create a network of sanctuaries to protect the nesting sites of shorebirds, and to use these sanctuaries as scientific laboratories to advance bird conservation. 

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Policy and Advocacy Posts

New Policy Requires Native Plants at State Parks and Historical Sites

New Policy Requires Native Plants at State Parks and Historical Sites

Birds and other pollinators will benefit from this far-reaching policy.

Legislative Update: Bird Bills Making Progress

Legislative Update: Bird Bills Making Progress

We’re back at the General Assembly, advocating for bipartisan policy solutions that protect birds and people.

Audubon Statement on Conservation Funding in the NC House Budget

Audubon Statement on Conservation Funding in the NC House Budget

— House budget moves conservation funding in the right direction.
Audubon Members Speak up for Birds at Advocacy Day

Audubon Members Speak up for Birds at Advocacy Day

Advocates from across North Carolina met with lawmakers to lobby for native plants, family landowners, and conservation funding.

NC Native Plants Bill: Business Sign-on List

NC Native Plants Bill: Business Sign-on List

Help recruit local nurseries, garden stores, and landscapers to support Senate Bill 318.

Former House Rep Brian Turner to Lead Audubon North Carolina’s Policy Work

Former Rep Brian Turner to Lead Audubon North Carolina’s Policy Work

— Turner will join the century-old conservation nonprofit in April, after serving four terms in the North Carolina House.
2023 Advocacy Day Schedule

2023 Advocacy Day Schedule

Everything you need to know for Advocacy Day on March 22.


2024 Advocacy Day

Complete these steps now to confirm your participation in Audubon North Carolina 2024 Advocacy Day on Wednesday, May 22.

Top Wins for Birds in 2022

Top Wins for Birds in 2022

The work of Audubon’s dedicated staff and our members truly spanned the state in 2022.

Audubon Network Speaks Up for Responsible Offshore Wind Energy

Audubon Network Speaks Up for Responsible Offshore Wind Energy

Siting, monitoring, and enforcement will be critical to slashing emissions and protecting birds.

How you can help, right now