Birds and Science

Photo: Claudio Dias Timm/FlickrCC

Science is what makes Audubon unique. Our methodology is leading the way in researching sound solutions for bird conservation. In this section, learn how Audubon NC is working to conserve birds and the habitats they call home.

American Oystercatcher

Latin:  Haematopus palliatus

Illustration for American Oystercatcher

Golden-winged Warbler

Latin:  Vermivora chrysoptera

Illustration for Golden-winged Warbler

Wood Thrush

Latin:  Hylocichla mustelina

Illustration for Wood Thrush

Least Tern

Latin:  Sternula antillarum

Illustration for Least Tern


2022 U.S. State of the Birds Report Reveals Widespread Losses of Birds in All Habitats—Except for One

2022 U.S. State of the Birds Report Reveals Widespread Losses of Birds in All Habitats—Except for One

In 50 years, birds have increased overall in wetlands, a singular exception that shows the way forward for saving birds and benefiting people.

The Bird Migration Explorer Lets You Interact With Nature’s Most Amazing Feat

The Bird Migration Explorer Lets You Interact With Nature’s Most Amazing Feat

With this revolutionary new tool, anyone can follow hundreds of species on their epic journeys and discover challenges they face along the way.

New Tower Connects NC Barrier Island to Global Bird Tracking Network
Media Releases

New Tower Connects NC Barrier Island to Global Bird Tracking Network

— Cape Fear Audubon, Audubon North Carolina and UNC Wilmington partner to install Motus tower at Lea Island.
Audubon Members Celebrate Spring, Honor Award Winners at 2022 Summit

Audubon Members Celebrate Spring, Honor Award Winners at 2022 Summit

Mecklenburg Audubon hosts chapters and campus clubs from across the state at UNC Charlotte.

Winter Coastal Surveys Reveal New Shorebird Hotspot and Long-distance Visitors

Winter Coastal Surveys Reveal New Shorebird Hotspot and Long-distance Visitors

Natural inlets and barrier islands provide critical stopover and wintering habitat for shorebirds, gulls, and more.

Best of 2021: Top Wins for Birds

Best of 2021: Top Wins for Birds

Audubon and our flock of advocates took action for birds at levels we’ve never seen before in North Carolina.

NC Senate Budget Gives Major Boost to Conservation Funding

NC Senate Budget Gives Major Boost to Conservation Funding

Birds and people win in new budget proposal that supports parks, trails, and gamelands.

Prying Open the Secret Lives of Oystercatchers

Prying Open the Secret Lives of Oystercatchers

New research using light-weight GPS technology will help us better protect an iconic shorebird in a changing world.

Bridging the Gender Gap in Forest Stewardship
Working Lands

Bridging the Gender Gap in Forest Stewardship

ForestHer NC has reached 1,000 people across the state, empowering landowners to better manage their land for birds and wildlife.

Five-Year Statewide Bird Survey to Begin in March
Media Releases

Five-Year Statewide Bird Survey to Begin in March

— The North Carolina Bird Atlas looks to harness the power of birdwatchers to advance avian research and conservation.

How you can help, right now