About Us

We protect birds and the places that matter to them.

With a century of conservation history in North Carolina, Audubon strives to conserve and restore the habitats we share with all wildlife, focusing on the needs of birds.

Our History
About Us

Our History

The mission of the National Audubon Society's North Carolina State Office is to help conserve and restore the North Carolina habitats we share with all wildlife, focusing on the needs of birds.

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Staff & Office Locations
About Us

Staff & Office Locations

Find our mailing address and staff contact listings.

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Our Board
About Us

Our Board

Meet our volunteer board.

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Annual Reports
About Us

Annual Reports

Download the Audubon NC Annual Reports.

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About Us


Our newsletter is now printed three times a year, and is delivered to members of the National Audubon Society living in North Carolina.

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About Us


Audubon NC publishes a monthly e-newsletter with updates on our conservation work around the state and info about upcoming events.

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Meet Our Staff

Protecting Land Birds Across North Carolina
About Us

Protecting Land Birds Across North Carolina

Meet Curtis Smalling. Curtis ensures North Carolina’s birds are protected throughout their entire annual life cycle.

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Preserving A Place for All Birds to Thrive
About Us

Preserving A Place for All Birds to Thrive

Meet Center Director Robbie Fearn. Robbie oversees our conservation work engaging citizens and scientists on the importance of preserving bird habitats on the Outer Banks.

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Finding The Reward In Helping Birds Thrive
About Us

Finding The Reward In Helping Birds Thrive

Meet Lindsay Addison. Lindsay works on the ground to manage, monitor, and protect coastal birds in North Carolina and beyond.

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Building Bird-Friendly Communities
About Us

Building Bird-Friendly Communities

Meet Kim Brand. With Audubon, Kim is engaging citizens across North Carolina to take actions that help birds thrive where we all live, in cities and towns.

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Integrating Biological Study with Practical Management
About Us

Integrating Biological Study with Practical Management

Meet Aimee Tomcho. For Aimee, being a conservation biologist means integrating traditional biological study with practical management techniques.

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Fosteringg Connections Among People and Programs
About Us

Fostering Connections Among People and Programs

Meet Tatum Isenberger. Tatum works to connect conservationists with environmental projects that will have a lasting impact on North Carolina's birds.

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Latest News

American Oystercatcher Winter Census Flies Over North Carolina

American Oystercatcher Winter Census Flies Over North Carolina

Audubon North Carolina and fellow members of the American Oystercatcher Working Group conducted the third range-wide winter survey for oystercatchers.

FAQs: Forest Management for Birds
Working Lands

FAQ: Forest Management Through Working Lands

FAQs for managing and improving your land to benefit birds.

Nuthatches Squeak Out a Win
Bird-Friendly Communities

Nuthatches Squeak Out a Win

Now celebrating its fifth anniversary, the Bird-Friendly Communities effort in North Carolina is checking in on the progress of one of our signature efforts – “Nest Boxes for Nuthatches!”

Brightening the Greensboro Bog Garden
Bird-Friendly Communities

Brightening the Greensboro Bog Garden

Members of the T. Gilbert Pearson Audubon Society in Greensboro are removing exotic, invasive plants at the local public “Bog Garden” at Benjamin Park—and replacing them with bird-friendly native species.

You're Invited: North Carolina's 21st Great Backyard Bird Count
Bird-Friendly Communities

You're Invited: North Carolina's 21st Great Backyard Bird Count

Help gather important information on North Carolina’s bird populations in just 15 minutes!

What Happens to Pelicans When It Freezes?

What Happens to Pelicans When It Freezes?

While most of North Carolina’s Brown Pelicans migrate south, some remain in the state throughout the (typically milder) coastal winter. When temperatures dip below freezing, however, it's important to know how to help birds in need.

Why Bottomland Hardwood Forests Matter to Landbird Migration
Forest Landbird Legacy Program

Why Bottomland Hardwood Forests Matter to Landbird Migration

Audubon’s Forest Landbird Legacy Program’s Eastern Forests initiative is an innovative program that enables landowners and foresters to help support birds that depend on forested landscapes along the Atlantic Flyway.

Oyster Reef Project Underway on the Lower Cape Fear River

Oyster Reef Project Underway on the Lower Cape Fear River

This fall saw the start of Audubon North Carolina’s latest coastal project, an effort to restore oyster reefs on the Lower Cape Fear River.

Which Solar Future Do You Want?

Which Solar Future Do You Want?

A movement is growing across the country to replace standard turf grass at solar sites with flowering native plants that are beneficial to pollinators, birds, and other wildlife.

NC Forever: A Partnership to Conserve North Carolina’s Lands and Waters

NC Forever Unites Around Conservation

NC Forever is an unconventional partnership of businesses and nonprofit organizations that share a commitment to the conservation of our state’s lands and waters.

How you can help, right now