
New Policy Requires Native Plants at State Parks and Historical Sites

New Policy Requires Native Plants at State Parks and Historical Sites

Birds and other pollinators will benefit from this far-reaching policy.

Meet our New Staff

Meet our New Staff

The newest three members of our team are helping to protect coastal birds, tell the story of our conservation work, and promote the conservation of urban forests.

Audubon and Partners Launch Community-driven Climate Projects in Three States

Audubon and Partners Launch Community-driven Climate Projects in Three States

New funding will support birds and underserved communities in Indiana, North Carolina, and South Carolina.

Inside this Year’s Big Colonial Waterbird Count

Inside this Year’s Big Colonial Waterbird Count

From Currituck to the Cape Fear, biologists are scouring the coast this summer for a sweeping waterbird census.

Tagged Golden-winged Warblers Return After Cross-Continent Journey
Conserve Golden-Wings

Tagged Golden-winged Warblers Return After Cross-Continent Journey

Tiny songbirds bring radio-tracking backpacks back to North Carolina, along with important data.

Legislative Update: Bird Bills Making Progress

Legislative Update: Bird Bills Making Progress

We’re back at the General Assembly, advocating for bipartisan policy solutions that protect birds and people.

Audubon Statement on Conservation Funding in the NC House Budget

Audubon Statement on Conservation Funding in the NC House Budget

— House budget moves conservation funding in the right direction.
Audubon Members Speak up for Birds at Advocacy Day

Audubon Members Speak up for Birds at Advocacy Day

Advocates from across North Carolina met with lawmakers to lobby for native plants, family landowners, and conservation funding.

NC Native Plants Bill: Business Sign-on List

NC Native Plants Bill: Business Sign-on List

Help recruit local nurseries, garden stores, and landscapers to support Senate Bill 318.

Coastal Birds are Back and Already Getting Busy

Coastal Birds are Back and Already Getting Busy

New closure window, supported by 900 Audubon members, better protects nesting birds.

How you can help, right now