Ben Graham

Engagement Director

Articles by Ben Graham

After Hurricane Helene, Mountain Chapters Work for Normalcy and Recovery

After Hurricane Helene, Mountain Chapters Work for Normalcy and Recovery

— “It’s been heart breaking and heartwarming at the same time.”
$3M National Grant will Fund Audubon’s Marsh Restoration in Currituck Sound

$3M National Grant will Fund Audubon’s Marsh Restoration in Currituck Sound

— Pilot projects will test innovative, nature-based restoration techniques at Audubon’s Pine Island Sanctuary.
Famous NC Tree Hosts “Incredibly Unique” Swift Roost

Famous NC Tree Hosts “Incredibly Unique” Swift Roost

— Chimney Swifts adapted to humans long ago. The discovery of a natural roost site on a college campus underscores all the ways we’re pushing swifts to the limit again.
A Partnership Bears Fruit
Bird-Friendly Native Plants

A Partnership Bears Fruit

— New native plants policies come after years of grassroots advocacy and leadership from key state officials.
State Proposal Highlights Threats Facing Three NC Bird Species

State Proposal Highlights Threats Facing Three NC Bird Species

— Black Skimmers, Rusty Blackbirds, Swallow-tailed Kites proposed for threatened and special concern list.
Seabird that Depends on NC’s Offshore Waters Gains Federal Protections

Seabird that Depends on NC’s Offshore Waters Gains Federal Protections

— Endangered species protections will help Black-capped Petrel as offshore wind energy ramps up.
Marsh Restoration Projects Take Shape at Audubon’s Pine Island Sanctuary

Marsh Restoration Projects Take Shape at Audubon’s Pine Island Sanctuary

— Pilot projects will test methods for protecting and rebuilding Currituck Sound marshes.
Major Raleigh Real Estate Company Joins Lights Out Program

Major Raleigh Real Estate Company Joins Lights Out Program

— In partnership with Wake Audubon, Kane Realty will help make the night skies safer for migrating birds.
Storm-blown Flamingos Show Up in North Carolina and Beyond

Storm-blown Flamingos Show Up in North Carolina and Beyond

— Eleven of the leggy, pink waders were spotted on the Outer Banks.