Private Lands Protection

Engaging private landowners sparks habitat conservation.

Photo: Aimee Tomcho

Habitat on private lands plays a critical role in bird conservation in the southeastern U.S. By engaging landowners in bird conservation and stewardship programs, we maximize the protection of North Carolina’s special places. But it is not just about birds, it is about the people who live there, too. By providing an opportunity for landowners to connect deeply with the wonder of their own land, Audubon NC’s assistance can help provide the gateway to a legacy of conservation.

Golden-winged Warbler

Latin:  Vermivora chrysoptera

Illustration for Golden-winged Warbler

American Woodcock

Latin:  Scolopax minor

Illustration for American Woodcock

Eastern Whip-poor-will

Latin:  Antrostomus vociferus

Illustration for Eastern Whip-poor-will

Prairie Warbler

Latin:  Setophaga discolor

Illustration for Prairie Warbler

News & Updates

Putting Working Lands to Work for Birds and People
Working Lands

Putting Working Lands to Work for Birds and People

Audubon is partnering with landowners to make working lands benefit birds, people and communities, focusing on forests, agricultural lands, and grasslands and ranchlands.

What is "Treasure Highlands"? The July Important Bird Area of the Month
Working Lands

What is "Treasure Highlands"? The July Important Bird Area of the Month

The Treasure Highlands project seeks to provide easy to access information about our partners, opportunities to volunteer, attend programs, take pare in citizen science projects, and take action.


How you can help, right now