Last month, nearly 50 professional foresters gathered for a workshop at Cherokee Scout Reservation in Yanceyville to learn how small changes in forest management could make a big difference for birds. Audubon North Carolina leads a multi-organization partnership to integrate bird-centric planning practices into forests across the state.
As with our recent efforts to develop conservation efforts for Golden-winged Warblers in Western NC, outreach to private landowners is an important step in increasing land stewardship for our imperiled species.
With 18 million forested acres in North Carolina, enhancing our ability to positively affect the birds that dwell in these forests through the work of state and private forest managers brings new and exciting possibilities.
Our first of many workshops for foresters, the day included both classroom and field study. Working with John Ann Shearer, US Fish and Wildlife Service’s Partners for Fish and Wildlife Coordinator, we developed a booklet of information to aid foresters in bird conservation planning for landowners with whom they work.

We were pleased to work with Dr. Chris Moorman (NC State University), Ron Myers (NC Forest Service), and David Halley (True North Forest Management Services) to present the latest research and programs associated with best forest management practices for birds. By day’s end, attendees began to think about how they might practice their forestry with birds in mind. One forester commented that it was the best Continuing Forestry Education credits he’d ever earned.
We finished the day with eyes toward the sky looking at a brilliant summer tanager singing from the tree tops - a reminder of the benefit of working together for birds across NC.
To learn more about our Working Lands initiative and work to engage private landowners in habitat management, click here.