Ways to Help

Carl's Travels Are Coming to a Close

Carl the Traveling Cardinal has enjoyed two months of traveling around North Carolina to get to know you and see our beautiful state. Sure, he'll still be in North Carolina since cardinals do not migrate, but it's time for him to hang up his travel sack on December 31. See all the places Carl traveled to on Facebook and on his special Flickr album.

Carl hopes that you have signed up for  Audubon North Carolina's Cardinal Club Monthly Giving Program. Like Carl, monthly donors are with us throughout the year and make a HUGE impact on Audubon’s work in our state to protect birds and wildlife. Remember that you can get your very own singing plushy cardinal delivered to your door just for signing up for the Cardinal Club before December 31. Just make sure to select North Carolina Audubon from the drop down menu and fill out the electronic form.

Know that your small monthly gift makes a huge difference for North Carolina’s birds!

  • $10 a month funds a 6-hour coastal inlet survey to monitor shorebird populations.
  • $25 a month buys enough string and stakes to create fences to protect nesting birds and their babies for an entire season.
  • $50 a month purchases 2 pairs of binoculars so that our Land Conservation Director can monitor the elusive migrating warblers found in our mountains.
  • Give $84 a month and become a member of the T. Gilbert Pearson Society to enjoy exclusive benefits including National Audubon Society membership, a special annual gift, invitations to events and more. Support at this level helps delay mowing in hayfields where Bobolinks nest or supports a workshop to help private landowners learn about how to manage their land for wildlife or even pays for travel to other countries where Audubon works to protect our birds that spend the winter in the Tropics.

Carl hopes to take up his travel sack next year, but we can only do that with your support. From the team at Audubon North Carolina, we hope that you give generously this year through the Cardinal Club Monthly Giving Program. Our state's birds and wildlife are counting on you!


How you can help, right now