
Getting to Know Grandfather Mountain IBA - The September Important Bird Area of the Month

Each month we feature one of the 97 IBAs (Important Bird Area) in North Carolina. This month we are showcasing the rugged peaks of the Grandfather Mountain IBA.

We need your help to protect these IBAs in North Carolina. Without your support the Audubon North Carolina team can't conduct research to measure our conservation efforts or work to form collaborations with land trusts and other nonprofit organizations to actively protect these critical habitats. Make a donation to “Give the Birds One More Day, Help Protect an IBA” today!

Situated on the eastern slope of the Blue Ridge Mountains, the Grandfather Mountain Important Bird Area is one of the most diverse breeding grounds for birds in North Carolina and probably the second highest in the US. At least 118 breeding season species have been recorded and other are expected. This 12,679 acre IBA is located near the town of Blowing Rock, nestled in the ancient peaks of Grandfather which are the highest in the Blue Ridge. The site has an exceptional diversity of habitats, from rocky cliffs and balds to spruce-fir and cove forests, which support 60 rare plants and animals.

Northern Saw-whet Owl. Photo by James Ginnetty.

The site is significant for species of conservation concern, such as Coopers Hawk, Northern Saw-whet Owl, Golden-crowned Kinglet, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Red-breasted Nuthatch, and Brown Creeper. It is one of North Carolina's key sites for Northern Saw-whet Owl. Significant spruce-fir forest exists on Grandfather Mountain and supports the suite of species associated with this habitat type.

Watch this great video about the namesake Grandfather Mountain, among the most recognized landmarks in western North Carolina .



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