With much anticipation, www.treasurehighlands.org has launched! This collaborative website is designed to consolidate information about environmental programming, volunteer opportunities, citizen science, and other IBA related information in one convenient location for residents of the Highlands Plateau. This is part of a long term project with a variety of partners that began several years ago with our IBA dedication event. We also have a Treasure Highlands Facebook page. Funding for this and other components of the project have come from Together Green, the North Carolina Forest Service, and the National Science Foundation.
One of the principle components of the effort this year and next is our K to Gray Challenge to connect seniors with children (the K's) and help them volunteer, do citizen science projects, and explore their world. To find out more visit the website. We're continually adding content and calendar updates so check the site often. Thanks to all of our partners including Highlands Plateau Audubon Society, Highlands Biological Station and Highlands Nature Center. And a huge thank you to Doris Ratchford (our Volunteer of the Year for 2011) for all of her hard work making the website so interactive and appealing!
-- Curtis Smalling