Audubon NC's Summit 2018: "Migration in the Mountains" is for all Audubon members and anyone interested in birds and their habitats.
The full weekend program is below. Please don't forget to:
- Review the options for bird walks
- Register for your preferred bird walks when you purchase your ticket for the weekend
- Explore Asheville!
Utilize our full Summit "SCHEDULE AT A GLANCE" tool to see all your options for participation this weekend. Print it on legal-sized paper!
Utilize our "REGISTRATION PLANNER TOOL" to map out your specific schedule.
The registration table is OPEN in the Laurel Registration Area (walk into the main lobby and turn left) during the following times – stop by to sign in and pick up your nametag and complimentary water bottle
Friday, 3 - 8PM
Saturday, 5 - 8AM
Saturday 12 - 6PM
Sunday 7 - 8AM
Sunday 11:30AM - 1PM
3PM: Check-in time at the Crowne Plaza Resort
5 – 7PM: Friday Evening Reception
"Birds, Brews, and Bluegrass in the River Arts District"
Join our hosts, Elisha Mitchell Audubon Society, for a reception in Asheville’s River Arts District at The Wedge at Foundation, 5 Foundy Street, Asheville, NC 28801. Enjoy light hors d’oeuvres, locally crafted beers and wine, and bluegrass music by a local band. Then head out with friends for dinner on your own at one of the many popular Asheville restaurants, many within walking distance.
7PM: Dinner on your own
5 - 8AM: Check-in time at the Crowne Plaza Resort
5:30AM: Grab + Go breakfast in Laurel registration area, ONLY for Blue Ridge Parkway North- All Day trip
6 - 7:30AM: Breakfast in the Blue Ridge Room
6:15AM - 4PM (times vary): Full-day birding trips #1 and #2 (details here)
Boxed lunches will be provided for all-day trips; half-day trippers can choose from Asheville’s many wonderful restaurants.
7:30AM - 4PM (times vary): Half-day morning (#3, #4, #6, #7, #8, #9) and afternoon (#5) birding trips (details here)
2 - 3PM: Q&A session with Audubon leadership
Join us for a few SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS and SPECIAL GUESTS! Fresh eyes bring a fresh perspective for how Audubon North Carolina fits into the national Audubon strategic plan and how we will move forward together over the coming years. Chief Network Officer David Ringer will join Executive Director Andrew Hutson, PhD to share our vision for an Audubon network that is capable, connected, diverse, and growing, working toward shared goals on advocacy and bird friendly communities.
6 - 7PM: Audubon North Carolina Reception
Laurel Foyer at the Crowne Plaza Resort
Come relax and share the sightings of the day with your fellow birders at this reception hosted by Audubon North Carolina. Cash bar.
7 - 9:30PM: Banquet Awards Dinner
Ballroom at the Crowne Plaza Resort
Join us for a buffet dinner and keynote speech by David Ringer, Chief Network Officer of the National Audubon Society. David Ringer will share insights on bird protection and how to engage people with practical conservation solutions in his keynote address, “Protecting Birds and the Places they Need: Today and Tomorrow.”
The evening will end with our awards presentations in the categories of Honorary Warden, BirdLore Conservation Award, Volunteer of the Year, and T. Gilbert Pearson Outstanding Lawmaker Award.
6:30 - 7:30AM: Breakfast in the Mitchell Room
7:30AM - 11:45AM (times vary): Half-day morning (#10, #11, #12) birding trips (details here)
Field trips are first-come, first-served. Some are sold out, so register early to get your first choices! When planning your Saturday trips there are two ways to go:
1. Pick one of the two full-day birding trip options, OR
2. Pick from the morning and afternoon options
See our Saturday and Sunday planner here to help you plan the perfect birding weekend!