Star Tickseed brings light and energy to your garden with the strength of a superhero (one selection of this species is dubbed “Sunshine Superman!”). It’s also a top Bird-Friendly Native Plant of 2017.
A bright yellow, daisy-like flower, the Star Tickseed has notched yellow rays and an orange center disk, much like the sun. Tickseed refers to the small seeds that resemble insects.
Find this and other plants at your local participating retailer.
Birds that Love Star Tickseeds
The Star Tickseed is a favorite of North Carolina’s big-beaked birds like the Blue Grosbeak, Indigo Bunting, Painted Bunting, Northern Cardinal, American Goldfinch, and House Finch. These species are all seed-eaters, and they depend on perennial wildflowers to harvest their meals.
Flowers like the Star Tickseed make for excellent backyard bird watching, as they typically grow in clumps that reach only 10-12”. As birds perch on their stems and peck at their seeds, you’ll have a great vantage point to watch from almost any height or angle!
How it Grows
Star Tickseed thrives in full sun and is drought tolerant, making it an excellent choice for your backyard or garden. Because it grows in clumps, it makes for a good border plant.
This plant will reseed itself each year. If you deadhead (cut back) the flower heads for more prolific reblooming, remember to let the flowers be at the end of the blooming season so you have plenty of seeds for the birds!
Star Tickseed is one of many 2017 Bird-Friendly Native Plants of the Year. Learn more about our other 2017 picks here!