In January, Audubon North Carolina’s Deputy Director Walker Golder led a team throughout the Bahamas to band Piping Plovers with pink flags (official color of the Caribbean). Watch the PBS Newshour story about their work -
Now the Bahamas Piping Plovers have started making their way back to the beaches along the Atlantic Coast. So far, they have been reported in Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, and Massachusetts.
We’re asking you to help search for pink-flagged Piping Plovers. If you see Piping Plovers, inspect their legs closely and if you find one with a pink flag, please send an email to with as much of the following information as possible:
- Date the bird was observed
- Band code
- Specific location where the bird was observed
- Latitude and longitude
- Any additional note-worthy information
- Photo, if possible

You may also see Piping Plovers with bands and/or flags of other colors. For more information about where and how to reports these plovers, please contact Walker Golder