Migration Stopover: Interior Forest Blocks

Photo: Curtis Smalling

Many of the intricacies of bird migration remain a mystery. We do know that migrating birds may follow a different track in fall migration than they do in spring. We know that birds are creatures of habit and may choose to land in the very same stopover location, often a single tree, year after year. Radar and minute tracking devices have revealed these details and more. Here in North Carolina, we are using that data to focus our conservation efforts.

See national trends in this data:

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Putting Working Lands to Work for Birds and People
Working Lands

Putting Working Lands to Work for Birds and People

Audubon is partnering with landowners to make working lands benefit birds, people and communities, focusing on forests, agricultural lands, and grasslands and ranchlands.

What is "Treasure Highlands"? The July Important Bird Area of the Month
Working Lands

What is "Treasure Highlands"? The July Important Bird Area of the Month

The Treasure Highlands project seeks to provide easy to access information about our partners, opportunities to volunteer, attend programs, take pare in citizen science projects, and take action.


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