Audubon North Carolina

Baltimore Oriole. Photo: Linda Scher/Audubon Photography Awards

Audubon North Carolina is a regional office of the National Audubon Society.

From the Blue Ridge Mountains to the Outer Banks, Audubon protects birds and the places they need across North Carolina using science, advocacy, education, and on-the-ground conservation.

Top Stories

After Hurricane Helene, Mountain Chapters Work for Normalcy and Recovery

After Hurricane Helene, Mountain Chapters Work for Normalcy and Recovery

“It’s been heart breaking and heartwarming at the same time.”

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Fast-Growing County Passes Bird-Friendly Development Policies, Thanks to Audubon Chapter
Urban Forestry

Fast-Growing County Passes Bird-Friendly Development Policies, Thanks to Audubon Chapter

New Hope Bird Alliance helped pass bird-friendly land-use policies that will help guide Chatham County development.

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$3M National Grant will Fund Audubon’s Marsh Restoration in Currituck Sound

$3M National Grant will Fund Audubon’s Marsh Restoration in Currituck Sound

Pilot projects will test innovative, nature-based restoration techniques at Audubon’s Pine Island Sanctuary.

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News & Updates

Chapter Day 2018
Centers And Chapters

Chapter Day 2018

Audubon members from across North Carolina flocked together to share stories, successes, and ideas at Chapter Day.

Audubon Welcomes Executive Director Andrew Hutson

Welcome Executive Director Andrew Hutson

The National Audubon Society and Audubon North Carolina are excited to announce the appointment of Andrew Huston as Executive Director of Audubon North Carolina and Vice President of National Audubon Society.

How Beach Heat Affects Birds

How Beach Heat Affects Birds

The warming of the planet may have severe implications for wildlife. Thermal mapping can help us predict what may happen to beach birds and determine how we can protect them in the future.

Foresters for the Bottomland Birds
Forestry Trainings

Foresters for the Bottomland Birds

Our 3rd "Foresters for the Birds" workshop at Jones Lake State Park brought together over 40 foresters and land managers to learn how to manage bottomland hardwood forests for birds.

Midseason Coastal Nesting Update

Midsummer Beach Nesting Update

The year began with a cold spring, but has so far been generally successful for terns, oystercatchers and skimmers thanks to the absence of major storms or human distubance events.

Local Students Discover the Wonders of Birds

Local Students Discover the Wonder of Birds

This experiential learning project by Cape Fear Audubon Society brings new and exciting facts about birds to 4th grade students across Brunswick County.

2018 “Short Session” Legislative Wrap-up

2018 “Short Session” Legislative Wrap-up

Audubon has made significant progress on our legislative priorities this year, due in large part to the growing sophistication of our Ambassador program and grassroots engagement.

Priority Bird Profile: Black Skimmer

Priority Bird Profile: Black Skimmer

The skimmer is also one of the only birds to have a lower mandible that is longer than its upper mandible. This enables the skimming behavior that earned them their name.

Governor's Western Residence Blooms
Bird-Friendly Communities

Governor's Western Residence Blooms

After the bird-friendly garden in Raleigh was revealed last fall, the First Lady and Governor invited Audubon to refresh to Governor's Western Residence in Asheville!

You're Invited: Chapter Day 2018
Bird-Friendly Communities

You're Invited: Chapter Day 2018

All Audubon North Carolina chapter members, Audubon Ambassadors, and those interested in creating hubs of Audubon action in North Carolina are invited to our annual Chapter Day at the North Carolina Zoo.