headshot of brittany in front of a bush

Brittany Salmons

Communications Associate

Articles by Brittany Salmons

Fast-Growing County Passes Bird-Friendly Development Policies, Thanks to Audubon Chapter
Urban Forestry

Fast-Growing County Passes Bird-Friendly Development Policies, Thanks to Audubon Chapter

— New Hope Bird Alliance helped pass bird-friendly land-use policies that will help guide Chatham County development.
Pine Island Year in Review: Marsh Research, Wildlife Surveys, and More
Donal O'Brien Jr.  Sanctuary And Audubon Center

Pine Island Year in Review: Marsh Research, Wildlife Surveys, and More

— We launched new research and advanced restoration projects at our Outer Banks sanctuary, with the help of new partnerships, staff, and volunteers.
The Silver Lining for a Declining Grassland Songbird

The Silver Lining for a Declining Grassland Songbird

— Henslow’s Sparrows have been declining since the 1950s, but their resilience and an unlikely safe haven provide hope for their survival.
Less Light, More Trees for Migrating Birds
Urban Forestry

Less Light, More Trees for Migrating Birds

— Cities and towns can be places where migrating birds thrive—with the expansion and conservation of our urban forests.
Audubon Members Gather at NC Summit

Audubon Members Gather at NC Summit

— In the wake of Hurricane Helene, staff and chapters come together to strengthen bonds, share inspiration.
Coastal Nesting Recap: Piping Plover Fledglings, Poop Research, Coyotes, and More

Coastal Nesting Recap: Piping Plover Fledglings, Poop Research, Coyotes, and More

— Birds at Audubon’s coastal sanctuaries faced a number of challenges this year—some of which were too much to overcome.
Endangered Celebrity Shorebird Arrives in NC for the Winter

Endangered Celebrity Shorebird Arrives in NC for the Winter

— A hand-reared Piping Plover from Lake Michigan has returned to NC for her second winter, with help from Audubon on both sides of her migration journey.
Why Audubon is Launching an Urban Forestry Program in NC
Urban Forestry

Why Audubon is Launching an Urban Forestry Program in NC

— North Carolina is losing trees in urban and suburban areas at a faster rate than anywhere else. We're working to change that.
Local Advocates Rally to Bring Back Raleigh’s Declining Tree Canopy
Urban Forestry

Local Advocates Rally to Bring Back Raleigh’s Declining Tree Canopy

— The City Council approved the creation of a plan to protect trees in the City of Oaks, thanks to local advocates.